Please note: Sessions are now exclusively online with Zoom.
$70. per appointment
Appointments are generally 90 minutes
The Three-Pack is back!
Three one-hour sessions for $60. each. After your initial appointment, you are eligible to purchase three-packs. Please use within six weeks. This is my way to help clients to establish and maintain a balanced energy system.
Balanced Energy = Joy!
I'm committed to making Energy Healing accessible!
Seeking complementary healthcare should be easy
for you and your budget! If you are not able to afford the standard rate, there is a sliding scale available. Please do not hesitate to ask.
Book with me directly:
1. Email me, (preferred method) Paula Harrison, at to set up a convenient time.
2. Make payment at your appointment; cash, check, or credit card accepted. You can also pay below through PayPal.
1. Email me, (preferred method) Paula Harrison, at to set up a convenient time.
2. Make payment at your appointment; cash, check, or credit card accepted. You can also pay below through PayPal.
I have attempted to set my rate policy with intention and compassion. I have found that making it affordable helps clients maintain comprehensive energetic wellness.
In between appointments, clients can use the tips and techniques learned at a session to keep the flow strong and the field protected. If you have an established daily practice, I will help you incorporate these new practices.
After achieving results with a thorough energetic balance, usually about three to six sessions, people typically see me about every four to six weeks for a 'tune-up'.
If you have questions please contact me.
Be well!

Reiki Arts Policies
New Clients:
When you arrive the first time, you will complete a short intake form and receive a signed copy of the privacy and office policy. After we have discussed your concerns we will begin the session. Plan for 90 minutes the first time and about 75 minutes after that.
Payment in cash, credit, or check. Receipt available. Sorry, no health insurance billing.
Sexual misconduct will not be tolerated.
Please arrive on time. Please contact me no later than 24 hours before your scheduled appointment to make changes. Full payment is due for missing an appointment. I respect your time and appreciate the same:)
Good hygiene is greatly appreciated!
Clients who arrive with contagious illnesses will be re-scheduled. Schedule a distance healing if you are contagious!
Informed Consent
I, as a client of Paula Harrison, understand and acknowledge that:
Information submitted to Reiki Arts is held in strict confidence and will not be released without my written consent.
Paula Harrison is not a licensed medical doctor or therapist, does not hold any medical degrees, medical certificates, or medical licenses. Paula does not diagnose or prescribe medicines, medical interventions, equipment, or processes.
Paula Harrison or any representative of Reiki Arts does not claim or imply that services, advice, suggestions either in person, through email or telephone will cure or prevent any disease or condition.
Paula Harrison or any representative of Reiki Arts recommends that I remain on any and all prescriptions that I may be taking at present and continue with current medical care. I further declare that my healthcare is my responsibility and that Reiki Arts is not accountable for any consequences of my decisions regarding my healthcare.